Bolinas Road street sign with redwood trees behind.

Your Creative Support Team

Since 1996, Bolinas Road Creative has been helping businesses sell products and services. With a strong background in advertising and print design, we're not only web experts, we understand the fundamentals of marketing. Tell us your goals and we'll help you position your business for success. Over the years, we've produced:

  • Websites
  • Print Ads
  • Company Logos
  • Outdoor Signs and Banners
  • Signs for Vehicles
  • Business Letterhead, and Cards
  • Commercial Videos
  • Multimedia Presentations


Design That Sells

Every business needs a strong identity, but this important asset is often overlooked by small and new companies. Often start-up companies are so busy "starting up" that they don't have the time to focus on creating a business identity that serves for the long haul.

Your business identity is a sales tool that defines your brand. Bolinas Road Creative will help you create an identify that you'll be happy with for years.

Books by Chris Grover

Since 2007, Chris Grover has authored or co-authored more than a dozen books on technology.

The Web is Our House Specialty

At Bolinas Road Creative, we work with many small businesses that sell products throughout the country. How do they do it? Our clients websites extend their reach into an enormous marketplace. We help these clients keep their sites up to date with the latest web technologies. We work with them to hone their sales messages and to develop strong campaigns. As always, the key is to develop a competitive website that ranks high with search engines.

Sales savvy is important, but technical savvy is required, too. Bolinas Road Creative leases a dedicated web server to host client sites. That means we can make changes quickly and efficiently. We stay on top of the latest web tech trends, because it is an important part of our business. We write books and develop training videos on a variety of web-related topics including: design, animation and programming.

Computer Consulting & Training

If you're not in the computer and info tech business, chances are, you're not a computer expert. There's also a good chance that from time to time, you could use the advice of a computer expert. We're here to help. At Bolinas Road Creative we've been computer geeks longer than we'd like to admit. Hint: When we started Apple hadn't yet made a Mac and IBM thought computers should be the size of a dumpster.

If you're interested in finding ways to make your computers work more so that you can work less, we'd like to help. We also specialize in one-on-one executive training.